I was asked if I could create a set of bi-fold doors to match the southwestern style cabinets that one of my clients had been installing in his residence. The furniture maker said that he couldn't do that for one reason or another. In order to make them rustic-looking the lumber chosen to do the work was less than FAS. It was 2" x 6" tongue and groove decking and 1x pine stock. I planned on using the groove as a pre-set gauge for the raised panels, which I would shoulder rip out of 1" x 12". I just copied the existing press-board bi-folds.
The decking would require a little planing with a 12" planer that I borrowed from my brother. Drilling dowel holes into the stiles was a little tedious, not really set up for this, and the horizontal boring into the rails I had to improvise with a scrap of tongue and a 3/8" piece of pipe reamed out to 7/16". The formula was shared for the stain which was Minwax with 50% turpentine.